Monday, August 04, 2008

Avalanche o' Beer

Man, it's a beer party! No, we didn't taste these all in the same day -- a little behind, this is over the span of a couple of weeks, plus a bonus brew from Ben Chess (the official team photographer).

Hacker-Pschorr Weisse. Ok weisse, wasn't blown away by the flavor.

Hopf Helle Weisen. The Hopf Bock was a champ before, and this Hopf is another champ as well. Very solid wheat flavor, clear and classic. Drink me!

Tucher Hefeweizen. Ok, taste, we drank it too cold. Not necessarily needing to write home about it.

Traquair House, that is from a night out at Monk's Kettle. Special guest beer from Ben!

Lindeman's Framoise Lambic. If you haven't tried this one, it's not to be missed. It's the king/queen of girlie drinks -- yes, it's a beer, but it tastes more like a raspberry sorbet. My one regret with serving it is that we didn't have a big bottle, just this little one. I won't make that mistake again.

And gentlemen, don't think you won't like this one just because Mark Colbert, King of the Girlie Beers, does. It's just awesome.

Framboise Boon Lambic. I picked this one up to taste it vs. the Lindeman's above. No competition. I guess it's possible that maybe this one is more "traditional" or something, but we're not historic beer drinkers -- we like what's good today. And sadly, this isn't.

Hofbrau Munchner Weisse. Ben has fond memories of visiting this brew hall in Munich -- the site of Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch that kicked off his rise to power. Salacious history aside, an excellent and tasty beer.

Schneider Weisse. Solid hefeweizen, relatively traditional if I recall. Very good.

Ayinger Ur-Weisse. Brought this one back for a second tasting as a "control" to make sure we weren't nuts to like it so much the first time. Holds up well, still king of the Dunkles Weisses.

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