Monday, October 06, 2008

Palin, Palin, Baby

My friend Jason Preston thinks Sarah Palin is the Vanilla Ice of politics. In ten years you'll be embarrassed to admit you listened to her...

INT. The White House, Spring 2009:

McCain: Sarah, we can't get to an agreement with the damn Europeans... What say you?

Palin: All right, stop. Collaborate and listen.

McCain: Of course. And while I have you, the Iranians are threatening our carrier group in the Gulf...

Palin: Light up a stage and wax a chump like a candle.

McCain: Good to hear you say it. I've been wanting to try out our new two-hundred-megatonners, too.

Palin: You better hit bullseye, the kid don't play.

McCain: Oh, they have the latest guidance systems. Plus, two hundred fucking megatons, how can you miss?

Palin: Cookin' MCs like a pound of bacon.

McCain: You know how to hit a Muslim where it hurts.

Palin: If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it.

McCain: Sarah, will you marry me?

Palin: Word to your mother, let's get out of here.

1 comment:

Sleazypleaseme said...

Is this supposed to warrant a guffaw? It may take 10 years to regret Palin, but has required less than 10 months to regret Obama.